HATFIELD Residents gave near unanimous support to a $1.25 million Proposition 2½ general override at annual Town Meeting Tuesday, authorizing the additional town spending that will also need to be approved by voters at town elections next week.At a.
HATFIELD A marijuana cultivator will be allowed to move forward with a project on 3.3 acres at 140A North Hatfield Road.The Planning Board Wednesday voted 4-0 to issue a special permit and approve site plans for the project known as Straits Road.
The Pandemic Has Made a Big Problem That Much Worse
Help Wanted
Long before COVID-19 arrived in Western Mass., businesses across many sectors were struggling to find adequate supplies of good help. But now, just as the economy seems ready to surge, the problem, fueled increasingly by unemployment benefits that are conspiring to keep workers on the sidelines, is getting considerably worse, with no real end in sight.
Steve Corrigan has been in the landscaping business for more than 40 years now, and for most of that time, finding good help has been a challenge to one degree or another.
But he says he’s never seen anything quite like this.