Book, which focuses really on two days in the kennedy presidency june 10 and june 11, 1963. Why did you decide to write a book focused on only two days of the kennedy presidency and why did you pick those two days to focus on . Andrew thank you, colleen, it is a great honor to be here with you, and the White House Historical association. Particularly meaningful for me, because it was founded by Jackie Kennedy in the white house 60 years ago. I had been looking for a way into the Kennedy Administration for some time. Hard as it may be to believe, one of the most seminal days of my life was november 22, 1963. As an eightyearold, i learned of the assassination of president kennedy. It isnt unusual for someone like me or anyone of my generation to remember where he or she was, but it seemed to me to change something. It developed for me a fascination. As i grew up, my friends were interested in cap tim cook and the final frontier. I was interested in jfk and the new frontier. As a student,
Accompanying regulations, members are required to leave the camera on the entire time they are in an official proceeding. Even if a step away from the camera. While roll call is unnecessary to establish a quorum and official proceedings conducted remotely, whenever there is an official proceeding with remote participation, the clerk will call the roll to make clear who is present at the start of the preceding. At this time i ask the clerk to call the roll. [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] chairwoman, this concludes the roll call. Thank you very much. Pursuant to Committee Role 7c, Opening Statements are limited to the chair and the Ranking Member. This allows us to hear from our witnesses sooner and provides all members with adequate time to ask questions. I recognize myself do for the purpose of making and opening statement. Today, as we know were examining how the covid19 pandemic is straining our Higher Education system and discussing what Cong
Remarkable superintendent general Daryl Williams for his outstanding stewardship. General, thank you very much. Great job. Thank you. [applause] few words in the english language and few places in history have committed as much awe and admiration as west point. This premier military academy produces only the best of the best, the strongest of the strong and the bravest of the brave. West point is a universal symbol of american gallantry, loyalty, devotion, discipline and great skill. There is no place on earth i would rather be than right here with all of you. It is a great honor. Across this hallowed plain have passed many of the greatest and most fearsome soldiers that ever lived. They were heroes who drove thundering columns of sherman tanks into the heart of a wicked empire. They were legends who unleashed the fury of american artillery upon our enemies on remote islands and distant shores. They were titans who strode through cannon blasts and cavalry charge and stared down our foe
Let me say congratulations. Everyone, have a good time. Enjoy yourself. Youre here to celebrate achievements, and great achievements they are. Let us also recognize your remarkable superintendent for his outstanding stewardship. Thank you very much. Great job. Thank you. Words in the english language and few places in history have commanded us much as weston and awe point. This academy produces the best of the best, the strongest of the strong, the bravest of the brave. West point is a universal symbol devotion,ry, loyalty, discipline, and great skill. There is no place on earth i would rather be than right here with all of you, a great honor. Passed many of the greatest soldiers that ever lived, he rose who drove thundering columns of sherman tanks into the heart of a wicked empire. They were legends who unleashed the fury of american artillery up our enemies on remote islands and distant shores. They were titans who strode through cannon blasts and cavalry charge, stared down our foe
President for the ceremony. Ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States accompanied by the lieutenant of the United States military academy. Anthem]l what is endemic, the chaplain will offer ladies and gentlemen, the chaplain will offer the invocation. God, we gather here on the plane and online to celebrate the graduation of the class of 2020. Expression we lead their worldview that leaders of the future have a responsibility to have a vision and to see that vision through. Vision, the people perish. So make us instruments of your of president ses prejudice macys. Where there is darkness, may us bring light. Where there is despair, hope and life. Where there is confusion, clarity. Where there is hatred, charity. Help us a desire list to be understood less to be understood than to understand. And with this decision to renew the. Of our land and with irit vision to renew the sp of our land. Amen. Tomorrow, june 14 march the two 45th birthday we recognize soldiers bravery se