today feature featured act maverick city music and kirk franklin. hearing the song kingdom. if you watch the video it s really powerful and moving. we were watching it in hair and makeup this morning. we said man, we are in church. they went down to everglade correctional facility they performed for the people in that correctional facility. it was so powerful. you have to listen to it one of the lyrics is beautiful. each color he made. love is the only remedy for hate. i can t wait to hear them. so kirk franklin goes into these prisons and they teamed one maverick city music. you are probably very familiar with their songs. you might not know it. if you go to non-deno, ma am neighborsal church you have been singing their songs. they love everybody. brian: ainsley, how long is will in for for hour and 5 minutes hair and makeup i kept knocking on the curtain. will: some of us need a transformation. some wake up beautiful. brian: right. talking about me. will: i was ta
and i would give them schedule. they would go and get up at 7:00. they would go to school at 8:00. they would stop by in their father s office to say good morning because he was gone by 6:00 in the morning. they went to school. after the school they would go to their father good afternoon. the kids were listening to him. and they would have thousands of the after school activities. i put them ballet, singing lessons, piano lessons. the hockey, the skiing, tennis, gorvelings you know, name it and it s only one way we find out if the kids are good at something. ivanka hated piano classes because i stopped it because if you don t love what you do, you cannot be good at it. ainsley: told a story working. my kids jobs golf courses restaurants hotels. and don jr. said they were always complaining about their pay. said mom, we don t make any