the fact is, the people who are making those statements on his behalf are lying on his behalf, period. he had to know from his weekly briefing, there were seven separate briefing that included fast & furious . his number two and number three were intimately involved. he had to know more about fast & furious than i learned about it a couple weeks ago. martha: right. this is a man, martha, who very carefully, doesn t like the question, answers it the way he wants to. he had every obligation to say i may have not known all the details but of course i knew about fast & furious i was briefed somewhat on it weekly. he needs to come forward and at least admit that what he said right now is untrue and he needs to clarify it before the committee. martha: i know, i understand what you re saying and i know that you have concerns about the special counsel and whether or not that will basically lead to this whole thing being kind of put on a back burner and shoved and pushed past the electio
2012 presidential nomination. the former godfather s pizza ceo is rubbing elbows you might say with the front runner mitt romney. this is a cbs poll. mitt romney and herman cain at 17% and rick perry at 12%. the first thing want to ask you. i want to go to chris christie for a moment. i felt like a lot of people saw him and heard him for the first time yesterday when he was out there. what is the takeaway for chris christie. the field is set. there are probably no more potential presidents getting in the race. christie was hugely popular with wall street.
their fair share. they sometimes made it possible for millionaires to pay nothing while a bus driver was paying 10% of his salary, that is crazy. martha: let s start with out with arthur laffer who was a former reagan economic adviser and the architect of reaganomics and new every detail of exactly what ronald reagan felt the economy needed to get moving. good morning, good to see you as always. good morning, martha. how are you doing this morning. martha: i m doing quite well. thank you very much. take a look at these two quotes. it does sound as if they are saying the same thing. i think reagan would have been disgusted with president obama s plan and the misuse of his quotes. martha: really? he cut tax rates on the wealthy if you ll remember. in the 86 tax hikes we dropped the highest marginal income tax rate from 35% to 28%. at the same time you close loopholes of course, you d much rather about the wealthy paying taxes than hiring lawyers, accountants, deferred income
moves. bill: so lynn padres one. solyndra is one. how many do you think are out there? i don t know. that s why the congress will continue to delve into it. it s billions of dollars. martha: there are surprising new poll numbers that show mitt romney is getting crowd at the top of the field. the candidate tying romney for his front runner status. we want to know what you think about this. you can weigh in on who you think is leading the pack. it looks like anybody s game. martha: massive demonstrations. and this was not on wall street. what they are up to. male announcer ] you re gonna build a fuel-efficient car, the first thing you got to do
networks, the newspapers, how do you get them going one way or the other? how do you get them excited and those bloggers out there? that is a big question. we ll get to that when we come back with joan walsh and clarence page. we ll be right back with the question about how to win this thing for obama. the white house behind me is pink to honor breast cancer research and awareness. # [ male announcer ] if you re gonna build a fuel-efficient car, the first thing you got to do is make a car that s worth building.