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Korea s antitrust regulator said Sunday it has decided to impose fines of 918 million won ($697,000) on two local units of Pernod Ricard, a French distiller, for handing out illegal rebates to bars.
Golden Blue Sappirus Becomes First Korean Whisky Sold In The U.S.
Golden Blue Sappirus Becomes First Korean Whisky Sold In The U.S.
For the first time ever, whisky from South Korea will be imported to the U.S.
Golden Blue, a Busan-based company founded in 2009, has started to ship over bottles of their Golden Blue Sappirus, a 36.5% ABV blend made from imported Scotch whiskeys, to retailers in California and Nevada, two states with large Korean-American populations. Sales will begin in February before distribution of the whisky will expand out to eight states, including Oregon, Texas, and New Mexico.