i hold of a 7-year-old who choked to death. i saw the gurney and i saw my 7-year-old. i had taken the course. didn t always work. i need something super simple place push pull life is good. efa is how this came about. equal first aid. kids with disability have no choice. no option. ainsley: arthur, when we buy this make sure we get a lifevac. knock offs made in china. have you been embattled with them to try get amazon not to sell it. saying nothing we can do another country but you have a patent on. this do i doesn t matter. ainsley: buy american, all made in american and lifevac. steve: go lifevac.net. arthur, thank you very much. you have saved over 1,000 lives amazing. brian: put in your school and tax i.d. number and send it to you. we have got to stop it. i want one year no kid dies in school. ainsley: if you are a school, try to get the 60 bucks from a parent so he doesn t go broke. i would appreciate that, folks. ainsley: you said i will go broke, i