2. Crown princess of margarita, Medium Climber, Apricot-orange
3. James galway, Medium Climber, Light pink
4. The Generous Gardener, Clg, Medium Climber, Pale pink
5. A Shropshire Lad, short cl, light peach-pink
6. Gertrude Jekyll, short clg , Bright pink
8. The mill on the floss, Large Shrub, Mid pink
9. Scepter d isle, Large Shrub, Light pink
10. Queen of Sweden, Large Shrub, Light pink
12. Roald dahl, Medium Shrub, hedge , yellow
13. Boscobel, Medium Shrub, coral pink, 深粉
14. Jubilee celebration , Medium Shrub, Coral-pink
15. Harlow carr, Medium Shrub, Mid pink
16. Lady Emma hammilton, Medium Shrub, Tangerine-orange
Get prepared for spring with Bunny Guinness top jobs to do this March
Credit: Andrew Crowley
I am often asked about good home soil-testing kits. When I was studying horticulture at Reading many years ago, I seem to remember we tried out several kits and compared them with accurate lab tests.
The conclusion was that the kits were really not accurate enough to be useful. Talking to Tim O’Hare (top soil scientist – toha.co.uk), he says this is still true today.
In laboratory tests, demineralised water is used rather than tap (which can affect accuracy) and the lab temperature is a consistent 20C (not usually the case at home). Both these factors, plus others, influence the results. Better to send samples away to a lab such as NRM (cawoodscientific.uk.com) and get an accurate test for £12.13 plus VAT.