The Third Winter
In the Luftwaffe lull the British are asking: Will aid to Russia be enough? November 1 1941 DOUGLAS REED
The Third Winter
LONDON, September 15 There is a nip in the air. The creeper on the houses round St. John’s Wood is turning blood-red. Every evening the call of the air-raid wardens, “Put that light out!” sounds earlier; the blackout, once ordained, seemingly must go on for ever, no matter how futile, how advantageous to the night raider, how disadvantageous to the night fighter.
The third autumn, the third winter impend. As they approach, London, torn and tormented a year ago, lies quiet and peaceful by day and night, by dawn and dusk. A year ago today the city knew no respite from fire and bomb. On September 15 the Germans launched their supreme daylight air attack; it cost them 185 aircraft. A week before that, on September 8, they caused fires that made London look as if it were ablaze f