it saves taxpayers money? where the money is needed is not obese people but the obese government. in terms of them urn courage ing operation, you will have a run on them. it s delicate operations. there will be botched operations and that will lead to malpractice lawsuit. go to free market and let people decide they want to do it instead of politicians. david: stephane, should the government be in on this? if doctors and patients get together and decide it s the best thing, in some cases states should offer it. i would rather see people exercising and spending $24,000 that the surgeries cost on to better food. in some cases it makes sense. in 2004 they wouldn t do
supported anymore. should the government been in there in the first place? housing prices would have fallen farther and faster and bigger shock to the system. that would have been a free market result. maybe the government should get out of there and let housing prices fall 30-40%. but we should also get rid of the mortgage tax the interest deduction for the middle class and have absolutely free market and let the housing markets fall 50%. david: mike, is the government helping or hurting the housing problem being so far into it? hurting it. the main reason it s hurting it, it has hurt the overall economy. housing prices will rise when the economy improve and income improve. this program, all the stimulus money from the obama administration has done nothing but hurt the economy. through inflation, higher commodity prices and a weaker dollar. this hurt the economy and why the inventory of unsold homes is 12 1/2 months where it was 9 1/2 months before the government did that. dav
that goes in europe where they privatize the postal service delivery. you have to wonder how will the rural areas of the country be served in a private model? david: mike, if we privatize, would we have to have the price controls they have overseas? no. i don t buy the argument that the mail won t be delivered to small towns. this was the fear tactic ups said that. they said it to the l.a. times. this is the fear tactic they use when they deregulated the airlines, no one will fly to small towns or small areas. in fact, there are flights to small towns than before deregulation. david: if you look at airlines and maybe they re wrong and eventually there will be services to hand the rural areas. maybe eventually there will be. but did you hear what liz said? ups says they are not going to do this. at a buck a stamp, the mail would still be a cheap deal relative to the alternative. david: ups says that. they wouldn t lose money. david: hold on. ups says that, it might
you can t eat more. david: steve, did she convince you? it s stomach turning. the government telling us what surgeries we should have, subsidizing them, to lead to malpractice and all sort of thing. let the free market determine it. you will get better operations. david: how can the free market determine if it works? does the free market have a role here? to provide it for people who can afford it. morbid obesity is a problem and issue. but for states to mandate that the surgery be covered is wrong way to go at time we talk about getting rid of the post office we re for supporting moving like this, taxpayer money going to something not monitored by the government. how about surgery to remove voice boxes from politicians who tell us what to do? david: that is another issue. what do you think? this is like mandated subsidiaries of housing.
realistic level instead of depressed levels we have today. there is a great piece that they re buying them up. they are at the fire sale prices but they re moving. they are willing to take a small profit. they not get 100% on the dollar, but a good way to clear the inventory. if the government gets out of the way, normally we need 1.5 million new houses because of wear and tear and the higher population. that inventory would go quickly. david: last word from steve forbes. another political insider crushing insider in elections. is voting the politicians out the best move for your career? first, as the postal service tries to stop losing green and n an angry sea of blue protesting deep cost cuts. someone here says forget