they still celebrate the birth of martin luther king because of what his life accomplished her of this world is a better place because of dr. king. the same was true because of the coming of christ. look at what the followers of christ have done. they sounded great philanthropic organizations like the red cross and salvation army. 92% of our colleges in america were founded by followers of christ. the idea of hospitals and orphanages came from christ followers. so everybody directly or even indirectly benefits from the coming of jesus. transfer you mentioned the salvation army. this is also his reason of giving. how can people embrace a part in the christmas tory? is a great time to reach out to those in need. our church partnered with angel tree to bring christmas gifts to children of those who were imprisoned and it s a wonderful time to do that and to show the love of christ to others. but you know, molly, the most
what would jesus say, do. 2,000 scriptures in the bible says he would be talking with justice, talking about poverty and challenging the system to build policies on how you lift the poor and guess what? if you lift the poor, everybody gets lifted. absolutely. that s the way of love. that s the way of love. absolutely. there is a statement put out bishop curry and other christian leaders asserting that the u.s. is in moral crisis we believe jesus when he tells us to go into all the nations making disciples. therefore, we reject america first as a theological heresy for followers of christ. bishop curry, you directly challenged the theme of the president of the united states, america first. why, and do you think that his followers will outnight reject it because you ve done that? well in all honesty we hope all people of goodwill and religious traditions and faith
apparently, it shouldn t please us to love jesus. that accordingly to george washington university. who goes there. this week they re hosting a christian privilege workshop that teaches followers of christ that they unfairly receive unmerited perks from institutions and assistance all across our country. like all workshops, it has stupid goals for its students who, by the end of the journey should be able to list three examples of christian privilege, describe what is meant by privilege overall and white privilege specifically, describe the role of denial when it comes to white privilege, if you disagree its denial and why not a sin to think i m dropdead gorgeous. no argument on that one. my secret is always to stay hydrated. [laughter]
apparently, it shouldn t please us to love jesus. that accordingly to george washington university. who goes there. this week they re hosting a christian privilege workshop that teaches followers of christ that they unfairly receive unmerited perks from institutions and assistance all across our country. like all workshops, it has stupid goals for its students who, by the end of the journey should be able to list three examples of christian privilege, describe what is meant by privilege overall and white privilege specifically, describe the role of denial when it comes to white privilege, if you disagree its denial and why not a sin to think i m dropdead gorgeous. no argument on that one. my secret is always to stay hydrated. [laughter]
apparently, it shouldn t please us to love jesus. that accordingly to george washington university. who goes there. this week they re hosting a christian privilege workshop that teaches followers of christ that they unfairly receive unmerited perks from institutions and assistance all across our country. like all workshops, it has stupid goals for its students who, by the end of the journey should be able to list three examples of christian privilege, describe what is meant by privilege overall and white privilege specifically, describe the role of denial when it comes to white privilege, if you disagree its denial and why not a sin to think i m dropdead gorgeous. no argument on that one. my secret is always to stay hydrated. [laughter]