a typical second degree intentional murder. this court made a finding that the defendant committed the offense with the involvement of three or more other persons. and that s how they kept the bystanders at bay. i already talked a little bit about lane and king s role in hold mr. floyd down. they recognize that he is pulseless. it made no effort to dare of the person in their custody officer
second degree unintentional murder does not involve children standing feet away watching nine mm man and a half minutes application of a man begging for his life. nine and a half minutes suffocation. this court also made a finding that the defendant committed the offence with the involvement of three or more other persons. they were involved directly in the restraint and one other kept the bystanders at bay. we ve already talked a little bit about their role and holding mr george floyd down. they recognised that he was pulseless and george floyd was pulseless at 1.1 made no effort to take care of the person in their custody. officer towle watched
the typical second-degree unintentional murder doesn t involve children standing feet away watchi ing 9:30 minute suffocation of a man begging for his life. this court made a finding the defense committed the offense with three or more persons. we ve talked a bit about lane and king s role in holding mr. floyd down. they recognized that he was pulseless and mr. floyd was pulseless at one point. that really made no effort to take care of the person in their custody.
0 we know that we saw that mr. floyd did not want to be in the backseat. that s it. that s the rub. it was the need to get him in that backseat no matter what. once he was pulled out of the backseat, he was find. went down on the ground. not fighting, not punching. and he was placed initially on his side. he is already handcuffed. he is placed on his side in the recovery position. like he should be. he is trying to breathe. he is on george floyd s back face down on the pavement. and officer king sat on mr. floyd s waist area and officer lane pulled his feet down. you can even see mr. floyd trying to pull his feet up. we all are going to fight to breathe. everybody knows that fear when you all of a sudden realize you re having trouble breathing, it is just in ate. he tries to pull his feet up. but he is held down the three officers. officer todd is watching. he is placed face down on the pavement so harshly that it rubs the skin off his face. he has injuries from the knuckles from try
0 we have all seen it. mr. floyd did not want to be in the backseat. that s it. that s the rub. it was the need to get him in that backseat no matter what. we all saw that once he was pulled out of that backseat, he ka calmed down even willingly went down to ground. i m going down. he said. he went down to ground, not fighting, not punching, and he was placed initially on his side. he s already land cuffed. he s placed on recovery position like he should be, beche s trying to breathe. quickly faced prone on the ground face down. mr. chauvin put his left knee on george floyd s neck. his right now on george floyd s back, face down on the pavermen. an officer came and sat on mr. floyd s waist area and had officer lane pull his feet down. you can see mr. floyd trying to pull his feet up. we are all going to fight to breathe. everybody knows that fear when you all of a sudden realize you re having trouble breathing. we want to survive. we know we have to breathe. there s an automatic reacti