bill: talking about the libya thing. yeah. all they have to do is dust off the palin playbook and they can hit him with that. bill: i know. his numbers are down. new fox news poll just out today got him at 15%. and the people who have defected from herman cain have gone to newt gingrich and i suspect, miller, that you are one of those. well, listen, i don t know where i m quite going yet. i might stop at newtville, i might go to planet ron paul. i have a feeling like everybody else i might end up at romney acres eventually. those are the three right now i think because of this. romney makes it hard for them to hit. newt hits back. and ron paul doesn t even know he has been hit. bill: i don t see you in the ron paul camp because of the foreign affairs thing. i go anywhere that s going to beat barack obama. bill: he wants to do the lomb bad doe with iran. it s a little scary there, you know what i m talking about?
bill: back of the book segment tonight, did you see that? michele bachmann getting tough. new internet ad that hammers her opponents. i believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country. i will preserve and protect a woman s right to choose. hi, i m nancy pelosi. and i m newt. together, we can do this. indicated that they were trying to develop nuclear capabilities. you did support an individual mandate. yes, sir. that s what i m saying. we got that idea from you and the heritage foundation. that i don t line up 100% with the nra. commerce, education, and the oops. bill: all right. here now fox news correspondent juliet huddy. obviously, michele bachmann has got to get back on track here and that s an attention getting ad, correct it? is. it this is typical with candidates on last legs. last ditch effort. you go out, go for the jugulars of the people you are going up against. she doesn t really have that much money. she going to go into iowa w
gingrich maintains that he never lob idea for them. he advised them. they basically gave him an effective $20,000 a month consulting contract. which is pretty reasonable and normal in this business. but, what newt has to do now is not just treat this as a financial scandal because i don t think it is. he has to explain what he did what advice he gave them because if it turns out that in 2002, newt gingrich wrote them a memo saying don t give these mortgages out. then it becomes an asset for him. becomes a positive for him. you know those memos are around. newt gingrich would love to give this money back. the speaker has to say what he did. right now the issue is repealing 13 million in bonuses. i have a petition on dick we have gotten 30,000 signatures so far. sending them to each congressman and senator. i think that s having a role enforcing these hearings. go to dick