houses. it is scary about rick santorum is i keep thinking of jimmy swaggart. as soon as he starts with the social issues you run off with a hooker. forgive me for saying that. makes me a little queasy. you know what i m saying? i think that people in america in this good part of america especially the good state of michigan they go to the heart of the united states. they believe in god. it is okay to believe in god and be he prolife. i think rick pushed the envelope a little bit and struck a nerve in the way right wing that will lose them the election. judge jeanine: you don t think it had more to do with the fact that mitt romney nailed him and said you are selling yourself as a social conservative when you supported the federal family planning act and the bridge to know where and you are not as conservative fiscally as you say? no, judge, to your point, they have to stop. and i know hillary and obama went at it and went at the jugular.
houses. it is scary about rick santorum is i keep thinking of jimmy swaggart. as soon as he starts with the social issues you run off with a hooker. forgive me for saying that. makes me a little queasy. you know what i m saying? i think that people in america in this good part of america especially the good state of michigan they go to the heart of the united states. they believe in god. it is okay to believe in god and be he prolife. i think rick pushed the envelope a little bit and struck a nerve in the way right wing that will lose them the election. judge jeanine: you don t think it had more to do with the fact that mitt romney nailed him and said you are selling yourself as a social conservative when you supported the federal family planning act and the bridge to know where and you are not as conservative fiscally as you say? no, judge, to your point, they have to stop. and i know hillary and obama went at it and went at the jugular.
they do a hell of a job of distorting the facts and hoodwinking everybody that they didn t start this issue. joan walsh, how did it play last night for the republicans in the debate? first of all, ed, where do they find these people? they boo a gay soldier protecting us in iraq. they are booing birth control. i sit here and i cannot believe that they are acting as though they didn t want to have anything to do with the issue of birth control. these mean old democrats brought it up to trick them when they are the ones making outrageous comments right and left about this freedom and i really want to single out rick santorum because for the last few days he has been even attacking salon for an article we wrote about his views on contraception saying i don t want to take away your birth control, ladies. i voted for title 9, the family planning act. last night he had to go on the
it up to trick them when they are the ones making outrageous comments right and left about this freedom and i really want to single out rick santorum because for the last few days he has been even attacking salon for an article we wrote about his views on contraception saying i don t want to take away your birth control, ladies. i voted for title 9, the family planning act. last night he had to go on the record saying i voted for it but i didn t really want to. i really oppose it. now he s been trapped and outed as another flip-flopper on the republican side. they are going up the creek without a paddle when it comes to women voters. it is hurting them. this chart from talking points memo shows romney has a big problem when it comes to women voters and i have to ask you, professor, is the republican party going to get any women to vote for them in november at this rate? well, you know, i think the hypocrisy of wanting small government, it sounds like the republicans only want gov
comments right and left about this freedom and i really want to single out rick santorum because for the last few days he has been even attacking salon for an article we wrote about his views on contraception saying i don t want to take away your birth control, ladies. i voted for title 9, the family planning act. last night he had to go on the record saying i voted for it but i didn t really want to. i really oppose it. now he s been trapped and outed as another flip-flopper on the republican side. they are going up the creek without a paddle when it comes to women voters. it is hurting them. this chart from talking points memo shows romney has a big problem when it comes to women voters and i have to ask you, professor, is the republican party going to get any women to vote for them in november at this rate? well, you know, i think the hypocrisy of wanting small government, it sounds like the republicans only want government that s small enough to fit in a woman s private parts