of losing a child, but then with the stigma that goes along with what your child was doing. the stigma, there s also a lot of uncertainty. they don t know what their children were doing. on one hand, they re in touch with their kids while they re down there. the kids are wired up like never before. they have facebook messager, skype, all kinds of ways of communicating with thir parents, and their parents see reports on the news, they re talking to their kids. i had one mother in norway who asked her son, have you seen any beheadings? he said no, i haven t, but i see heads lying around. so they don t know. and they fall down this rabbit hole of trying to find out what their child was a part of. so this mother that you saw, carolina, from copenhagen that you just showed a very moving clip of, she has spent you know, her son told her he was doing aid work for refugees on