CityWatch is published 24/7 with special e-news blasts on Monday and Thursday evening, with Extras as appropriate around special events such as elections or imp
Overproof Records chief executive officer Asa 'Ace' Smith is pleased with the response to his latest single, Teejay's Chop Life featuring Malie Donn, which is one of the featured tracks on Teejay's I Am Chippy debut EP. Malie Donn delivers a hard-hitting verse that celebrates the ‘chop’ lifestyle, name-dropping designer brands and inspiring poor youths to manifest often by any means necessary a better life and lifestyle than the one.
As the South Carolina Republican primary approaches, the evidence is growing that Nikki Haley’s coalition is almost certainly not large enough to deny Donald Trump the GOP presidential nomination. But evidence is also accumulating that her coalition is more than large enough to deny Trump the White House in a general election if her voters remain as alienated from him as they now say they are.
A group of powerful Democrats has been carrying out Big Real Estate’s unscrupulous push to kill the expansion of rent control in California. Seniors on fixed incomes, labor union members,
WASHINGTON — As then-Sen. Kamala Harris’ presidential bid was collapsing in late 2019 amid factional infighting, her campaign badly needed a trusted person who could close the operation down —