Center for strategic and international studies. We really appreciate everyone coming out on this gorgeous thursday before labor day. I think this is a really important topic and really important report that we are putting out right now. I appreciate all of you taking the time out to do this. Before i give a brief summary of the report, which i hope all or most of you were able to get, it will be posted online by the way right after this event. I wanted to say a couple of thank yous. First is to the Ford Foundation that we are just completing our second year of funding with the Ford Foundation. They have been a great partner with us. Thank you to the Ford Foundation for believing in us, slightly nontraditional partner for them on this. I want to thank my coauthor, Carmen Garcia gallego who is currently in laos, working for unicef. If you are watching online, hello, carmen. And then i want to thank our panelists, who i will introduce in a minute. This is an issue that has come onto mine
TEAKO MINERALS CORP. announces the resignation of Mr. Rob Cameron from his role as President and Director of the Company, effective immediately, as he shifts his full focus towards his own company..
Teako Minerals Corp. announces the resignation of Mr. Rob Cameron from his role as President and Director of the Company, effective immediately, as he shifts his full focus towards his own company. The Company extends its gratitude to Mr. Cameron for. - Veroeffentlicht am 30.11.2023