According to a new study, better groundwater supply management might be the key to combating the effects of climate change in East Africa, where nations are now experiencing the greatest drought and food insecurity in a generation.
A new study published in Science Advances by University of Texas at Arlington researchers presents a fresh approach for discovering broad coral disease resistance features and investigates the basic processes behind species survival.
Apr 27, 2021 05:30 PM EDT
The Eastern Cape and Northern Cape provinces of South Africa currently went through their longest drought in 100 years. The seven-year drought, beginning with the absence of rains in February 2013, wrought disaster on this sheep farming community. The brown locust discovered in this region mainly feeds on grass but will also eat any green plants and has been known to destroy maize fields.
(Photo : Hemant Goyal)
Outbreak of Locust
When the summer rains eventually came in October 2020 the agriculturists had to face the outbreak of locust also. The two provinces are located within the Nama Karoo, a wide, open, arid area that is conquered by low-shrub vegetation.