S&T AG (ETR:SANT – Get Rating) shares were up 6.9% during trading on Thursday . The stock traded as high as €14.29 ($14.89) and last traded at €14.19 ($14.78). Approximately 89,873 shares were traded during mid-day trading, a decline of 61% from the average daily volume of 233,112 shares. The stock had previously closed at […]
Hauck and Aufhaeuser set a €30.00 ($32.97) price target on S&T (ETR:SANT – Get Rating) in a research note released on Tuesday morning, Borsen Zeitung reports. SANT has been the subject of a number of other reports. Jefferies Financial Group set a €32.00 ($35.16) price target on S&T in a research note on Monday, March […]
S&T (ETR:SANT – Get Rating) has been given a €30.00 ($32.97) target price by equities research analysts at Hauck and Aufhaeuser in a report released on Monday, Borsen Zeitung reports. Hauck and Aufhaeuser’s price objective would suggest a potential upside of 92.31% from the stock’s current price. Other equities analysts have also recently issued reports […]
S&T (ETR:SANT – Get Rating) has been assigned a €32.00 ($35.16) price objective by investment analysts at Jefferies Financial Group in a research note issued to investors on Monday, Borsen Zeitung reports. Jefferies Financial Group’s price target points to a potential upside of 120.23% from the company’s previous close. SANT has been the topic of […]