Through this fortnightly column, Tales From TJ Road, Bachi Karkaria tells the story of Mumbai s metromorphosis Bachi Karkaria January 23, 2021 12:19:42 IST The Sewri Christian Cemetery. All images via Wikimedia Commons, except where indicated otherwise
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Our Very Quiet Neighbours
They don’t chuck stale chapatis out of the window, hammer nails at naptime or crib, complain and otherwise quarrel; they are content not contentious. As for the urban bane of space crunch, in death as in life, one party is evicted to make room for the other; or, in an even graver concern, laid atop an older resting place. Amidst the surrounding jostling, honking chaos lies the Sewri Christian Cemetery, final home to 22,000 and counting. The central pathway running down its 44 acres seems to extend almost to eternity, a metaphor perhaps of the passage to he