0 maybe a guy mixing some junior associate mixing cement on highway project. it s a small percentage and make a way that the public thinks you re doing something and hopefully bolsters low poll there is issue so much of what he is planning laying out in the state of the union has to do with executive orders. that you will see a lot of criticism and pushback from the republicans. jon: even 6.7% unemployment rate that you were talking about that number isn t real. last time around you had five times as many people leaving the workforce because apparently they can not find jobs as you had people get jobs. so that takes down the labor force participation rate. you get a better unemployment number because of it. right. not to mention how many people within the employment number are underemployed. there is while lot of different reasons that is not a good indicator of economic strength. i point back to the wealth gains since the recession. that is where you see people putting money back