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Transcripts For SFGTV DPH Press Availability 20240711

Bring up is that electronic monitoring is being overused. I think this is also brought up in the pie charts. African american makes up half of the folks on electronic monitoring. There is no real evidence that electronic monitoring is being used as an alternative to incarceration. If we didnt have electronic monitoring, as mr. Yuen pointed out, we werent using it a lot in San Francisco. Those same folks were being released without having to have electronic monitoring added as an additional condition for a pretrial release. With these principles in mind, i am asking the board to make three changes to the sheriffs and the probation departments policies and procedures with respect to electronic monitoring. The first is that the sheriff and a. P. D. And their private contractors should make every reasonable and simple attempt to contact our incliclients before seeking an arrest warrant if there is a technical violation. This could be reaching out to support people, a list of caseworkers, P

Transcripts For SFGTV American Indian Heritage Month 20240711

Thank you. Thanks. Yeah, i think its commendable that the Sheriffs Department is looking at alternatives to electronic monitoring and that maybe i think its a system we had for a while now. When i am asking for the data about efficacy an efficiency. I think the data is missing. So i think we have been asking every chief, what is the data on this . There is an awareness that there needs to be data but we dont have it. I want to say that i think this is a real positive step for the sheriff to be looking at sort of an informal contact list of folks. That would be more effective and efficient and what is the efficacy of both sort of strategies . Thank you. I appreciate it. I see no other hands so im going to go to the next person, which is executive officer mike from the superior court. Hi, good to see you again. Hi, good to see you. Good morning chair fewer and supervisors. Thank you first of all for inviting the court to participate in your hearing today. Its always good to share inc e i

Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Full Board Of Supervisors 20240711

Population is right at 6,300 clients. The number of clients we currently have on electronic monitoring is 51. Youll see its less than 1 of our total client population being monitored on electronic monitoring. The average time on electronic monitoring is approximately 180 days. We also looked at the number of our clients on electronic monitoring who are unhoused and thats right at 11 . Then quite honestly our program is very effective in terms of keeping people out of custody. We have a 20 noncompliance rate overall for those individuals placed on electronic monitoring. If you look at the pie chart below, its our age range, so clearly our largest population on electronic monitoring are the 18 to 25yearolds, followed 26yearolds. And our mean age is 36 years old. Clients by gender, clearly which is consistent with what the Sheriffs Office reported. We have 88 of our total clients on electronic monitoring are male. Broken down by race and ethnicity, 53 are african americ american, with our

Transcripts For SFGTV Mayors Press Availability 20240711

Electronic monitoring and they have a Strong Partnership with the California Department of justice where we can get more data. And they just received their Research Ethics approval for this study so we will be moving forward and we expect to have the study completed in about a year. Were interest in the larger question that chair fewer mentioned about electronic monitoring. Thats all i have, thank you. Thank you very much. Any comments or questions from my colleagues on item number one in the presentation . Seeing none, lets move on to item number two, which is a hearing on electronic monitoring. So i like to first call up chief miller from the juvenile probation department. Good morning, good to see you. Good to see you. I just have a few slides and ill be brief. Please let me know that you see it. Yes, its visible, can you make it larger . Yes, how is that . Thats perfect. Thanks chair fewer. So good morning everybody, nice to see you. I have a few slides. Its a quick run through on

Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Land Use Committee 20240711

I see no hands. Next item. Was the calendar of future meetings . I think it was everything right . Was it difficult . I called everything, yes. Im going to ask that we schedule donte king here present at the Commission Bias is an extremely important topic which addresses the bias in policing. This revision and all the hard work we did Means Nothing if were not willing to address issues of bias, racism and antiblack sentiments within the department. When the allegations came to light back in february 2020, i asked that this matter be agendized so we can speak get directly to mr. King and address these troubling allegations. Our request was made to investigate the allegations. However, thats not d. P. A. s responsibility or their jurisdiction. As the policy making body of the San Francisco Police Department, it is incumbent upon us to find out the truth of the allegations and address them. Last week i did ask to agendize this item. I believe that what was agendized was a report by d. P.

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