of the east coast, many, many years ago had a 767 go in. that was determined to be a pilot suicide. an airplane in asia was determined to be a pilot suicide. we had had had a situation in this country oh, gosh, 20 or 30 years ago where an employee of an airline went into the cockpit, breached the cockpit, shot the pilot, shot himself and the airplane dove into the ground. so you do have those kinds of criminal acts in addition to the terrorist type of activities. scott, on the cockpit, the voice recorders and black boxes on board this aircraft, one always wonders what they can withstand and if there was some sort of catastrophic event at 35,000 feet, perhaps over china,
quite a while before we have any real understanding as to what has happened here. they will need to find the wreckage, obviously, they will need to if it went down over water they will need to start recovering the wreckage. if there was an explosive situation of some kind, whatever the origin, that should show up fairly quickly. obviously, again, the black b boxes would tell a lot, you know, it really to really sum this up you re going to be looking at whether or not there was some sort of structural failure, mechanical failure, some sort of terrorist event. or even the prospect of thepilo. and as awful as that especially sounds because that would be a deliberate act of murder, as well, that is not unknown in this business. is that true? yeah, you know, egypt air off