Galesburg City Council approved two grants under the Women and/or Minority-owned business programs on Tuesday night. President of the Knox County Area Partnership for Economic Development Ken Springer spoke to the council in support of the applicants; Brittany's Beautique and All-Star Sports Academy both located on E. Knox St. Michael Spinks, Owner of All-Star Sports Academy, received a southside occupancy grant in the Summer of 2022. Since the summer, Spinks has had an opportunity to take over the skating rink. He says he's already been open for a few days. He also previewed that he hopes to possibly have a few free or discounted skate days a month. Owner Brittany Tate will open Brittany's Beautique selling clothing and accessories both in-person and online. Mayor Peter Schwarwtzman announced a public meeting later this month for citizens to discuss the programming and functions of a community center. In other action, Galesburg Aldermen passed a resolution giving $60,00
A 50-megawatt solar farm has plans to build on 360 acres of Knox County property with substantial capital investment anticipated. President of the Knox County Area Partnership for Economic Development Ken Springer says this project is different than past solar projects in Knox County. Power generated from this solar farm will go into the grid. It will be located South of Galesburg along Farnham Street between Galesburg City Limits and County Road 10. The bulk of the parcels the project will sit on is in unincorporated Knox County which has few residents nearby. He says Trajectory Energy Partners will invest almost $70 million into Galesburg and Knox County in a project they're calling Blackberry Solar. Springer says estimates have the project paying about $300,000 in property taxes in the first year alone. Right now 2023 is marked for the start of construction, but Springer admits plenty could push that date back. Trajectory Energy Partners is not asking for any local incentives,