Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982.
As we have demonstrated in the past, any categorical and metaphysical denial of the moral order will inexorably lead to radical deceptions and sometimes covert operations. Freemasonry, as a secret society and judaizing movement, is not only part of those deceptions but is congruent with Jewish magic and mysticism.[1] Only those in the upper echelon actually know what is exactly going on. As Jones documents,
“The deeper the adept penetrates, the more Talmudic are the mysteries revealed to him. The Rosicrusian, for example, is taught the inscription INRI which was nailed to the Cross means not Iesus Nazarensis Rex Iudeorum, but rather the ‘Iew of Nazareth Led into Iudea,’ a reading which deprives Christ of his divinity and reasserts the Talmudic calumny that Christ was a common criminal who deserved to be executed:
“In any given period of history, a culture is to be judged by its dominant philosophy, by the prevalent trend of its intellectual life as expressed in morality, in politics, in economics, in art. Professional intellectuals are the voice of a culture and are, therefore, its leaders, its integrators and its bodyguards.” Ayn Rand,
For the New Intellectual
One can say with certainty that the 1960s and 1970s were a watershed moment in America and much of the Western world. Social critic Roger Kimball declared that those periods shocked “the moral and intellectual fabric of our society.”[2] Speaking of the 1960s in particular, Jack Kerouac declared that they were “apparently some kind of Dionysian movement.”[3]
E. Michael Jones and I met in Tehran, at the now-notorious 2013 New Horizon conference. He’s been one of my favorite people ever since.
One of the things I love about “E. Mike” is his way of seeing the hand of God at work as the crimes of the oligarchs gradually come to light…at least for those with eyes to see and ears to hear and hearts that aren’t too badly rusted.
I am not a big fan of history. When Eliade speaks of “the terror of history,” and Joyce says “history is a nightmare from which I am trying to awaken,” I say “amen.” As I see it, the horrors of history are here to test us.
Get this, if anyone asks you or your child to simply wear a mask, then you are a Neo-Nazi! No kidding. A Hasidic Jewish family has recently called an airline Nazis for just asking the family that masks are necessary. “This is Nazi Germany! This is gonna go all over the news!”[1]
I thought Jewish thought police like Deborah Lipstadt has told us ad nauseam that Nazi Germany was unique? Why doesn’t Lipstadt go after those people and tell them that they should never compared Nazi Germany to any other event in history?
Lipstadt whose greatest intellectual achievement is to call virtually anyone who disagrees with her a “Holocaust denier” or an “anti-Semite” perpetuates that “Holocaust denial is a form of anti-Semitism.”[2] One can say that Lipstadt’s ideological
As Yogi Berra is reported to have said, you can see a lot just by watching. And you can see a lot more just by watching False Flag Weekly News.
One thing I learned from this week’s show: E. Michael Jones hasn’t yet watched the allegedly anti-Semitic conspiracy classic sci-fi horror flick
They Live. I told him to hurry up and watch it. Jones is something of an expert on post-1970s horror films. He’s also an expert on “anti-Semitism.” If anyone is qualified to elucidate the debate on John Carpenter’s hilariously disturbing 1988 opus, it’s E. Michael Jones. We would all see a lot just by watching E. Michael Jones watching