done it, comey has done it and now ivanka has done it. what i suspect is a whole lot of other people are using the integration of personal e-mails and work e-mails, which gets tricky. the only people who could tell us if there s a security violation are the people that trey gowdy says we need more information. we re going to have to look at this in the context of was there a violation of national security. and i don t trust ivanka s lawyers or ivanka or president trump to tell me how there hasn t been such a violation. it need to be looked at. it seems to be reviewed in the same way they called jim comey up to testify. you say him on thanksgiving day. he got a request from the house to testify, and i suspect they ll do the same from ivanka, which is correct, and let s let the chips fall after they re looked at in the proirp light.