beneficiaries from this tax cut come through the business side of the tax code so there s a large cut in the corporate tax rate. foreign earnings get zeroed out in this tax, so that s been underreported. there s a big new so if you don t own if you re watching at home and you don t own a company, all those corporate tax cuts, those don t help. you go buy a company because that s where the money is. find a small, you know, lemonade stand, something you can own yourself. yeah. let me show you deficit numbers. we heard so much about the deficit from the tea party. this tax measure from trump could add 1.5 trillion to the deficit over a decade. yeah. i think that s probably low bawling it. and, by the way, now the republicans in their budget have signed off on this in the senate. it s moving over to the house where they re probably going to sign off on it too. so, you know, these folks have made reputations for themselves
feuds don t help. i want the president to succeed and wants republicans to succeed and these feuds aren t getting us there. so, but who bears the lions share of the blame, in your o pin job? the president for going after corker, corker for doing this or some combination thereof? i think there s combination, blame, in all of these kinds of feuds. look, these people are supposed to be one big happy family. granted, some of theme people are like cousins that never met but have to sit next to each other at thanksgiving dinner. some juncture, we have to sit here, eat together and be civil until it s over for the purpose of satisfying the voters who september the republicans to run washington, d.c. it s trump s fault. donald trump, this is a pattern. i don t know of bob corker having a vendetta or feud with anybody else. maybe it s happened. what we do know, donald trump, he goes from person to person. he s always fighting one person. usually not all at the same time. he sort of goes f
when someone like him is talking about an adult day care center, you have to then read into that the level of threat and frustration he feels. this is one of our best senators, and he s saying something very serious. how do you see it? corker is not the only senator that trump has a problem with. at any given time he s feuding with six or seven. and on top of that his strategist, steve bannon, is now recruiting primaries for six other republican incumbents. so that s 12 or 13 out of 52. now, even you are moderately proficient at math, you can see how this is a problem for getting the republican agenda passed. there s significant concern on capitol hill they re not going to bad the budget resolution next week, which is the key to unlocking the door of reconciliation, which is the key to tax reform. we have significant policy agenda problems, and these feuds don t help. and i sit here as someone who wants the president to succeed and wants the republicans to succeed and these feuds a
trump as a party of one and not the leader of the gop party let alone leader of the free world? you saw, of course, the republican senators, members along with democrats responded to what president trump had to say about mika brzezinski and morning joe . democrats and republicans feel compelled to talk about how the tweets don t help. at the same time for president trump he sees it as maybe his most popular his most powerful weapon. with a single tweet he can change the course of the discussion for the day even if it doesn t help policy. he can change the course of discussion for a day. he can distract from discussion that may not be going in the direction he wants it to go. it s a powerful tool for him. he can use the power of the tweet to really control the conversation. right. it s not helping right now from a policy standpoint.
points. he basically described ivanka trump performing an act on her father. the bar just keeps getting lower and lower, i think kathy griffin probably saw what those guys are doing and said i can hold up a beheaded head of drum because everybody is getting away with these and nobody really seems to be objecting to it. that s where we are now, the bar is so low and one more final point, time warner and at&t are trying to complete a merger that is nowhere near done and the president did say on the campaign trail that he may try to block that, it matters like certainly don t help. tucker: you just sort of wonder what s going to happen what all this was over when trump is gone and there s a new president, is anybody going to watch that channel, can anyone believe them again? joe, thank you. joe: thanks for having me. tucker: evergreen college in olympia, washington, has become so unworldly for some professors are simply fleeing the campus. next we will talk to professor brett weinst