that unconstitutionally conducted their elections deserved the scrutinyynd that te received through that process. be upsetoe right too about how the election was conducted. that doesn t mean that they committed an insurrection. ition is again, they re trying o prosecute donald trump for crimeses that happened on that day that he didn tt. commit people that were violent that broke into the capital . they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. llllthe fbi has arrested hundres of people that have done it, but there was a good reason why people showed up in theirpe nation s capital , by the way, that there s no there was no greater place in the world to show up and protest. make your voice heard. it s very american to do that in washington, d.c. and to prosecute people who did that peacefully, exercise their constitutionalt right is absolutely shameful. let s talk a little bit, congresswoman. i mean, so far it s been a rehash of pretty much everything we already knew they m
should have your own media show now that we knowno that donald trump authorized up to twenty thousand troops, that trump trump s dodie s basically was begging the leaders and in both houses to take the guard, have them available. we now a know that everybody knew ahead of time that there was a real threat assessment and possible of violence and they did nothing. bowzer didno nothing. did nothing. pelosi did the sergeant at arms in the housee and senate, they did nothing. how is the media going to handle that aspect of this ? that s a big story, right? just like it s a big storys that a supreme a court justice there was an attempted murder of just yesterday. it was reported and yetde the president of the unitedie states was on anw interview on national television forab twenty four minutes and said nothing about it, nor didou the host and the new york times put that at page eight twenty in other words, big
on cash s personal experience at the dojth, all the attempts o get people to call up the guardt ,basically begging them to take the guard. how does this play out as this now this narrative now takes over ? i think the entire storyry because this is now about a security failure of anbl incredible magnitude and they don tnd even seem to want to tak about it. the one donald trump donald trump authorized it. he s l he s living rent free and the democrats had 15 months after leaving office. they are so obsesseddob with donald trump they are missing their opportunityna to try to save the electione because they re not talking about all the issues that were just laidis l on the segment bee us . right. gas baby formula, gas prices, inflation, a border crime. they re going to loseec this election because they re letting donaldtihe still live in their head . here s the big i m thing. a there are some big developments on and i want to tell you about real quickly rodney davis reinking, a republic
as possible to read it sore that they re ready to respond. we r need the help of all americans on this issue. all right. the book is called saving nine . i couldn t be a more timelyalle book. senator mike lee, a thank you fr being with us. here now fox news legal analyst greg jerrett. greg, in light of i think the big the big get out of t today s hearing was liz cheney s admissionring that they had all the intelligence prior to january six that violence was going toe w occur and now we know that the department of defense, donald trump s department of defensefe and donald trump on january 4th, but as earlyns as januaryhe 2nd they were pretty much begging the nancy pelosi the capital the leaders to take the guard and they wouldn t do it. they refused that every singlepo point i m having a hard time reconciling the fact that liz cheney in this committee knew that the intelligence showed that there was a lot ofge potential for violencees
protect the capital that were ignored? what else might we learn about donald trump s efforts to protect the capital that nobody had been talkingng about? i want to juxtaposition the lead up too the january 6th and we ve already covered that versus what happened on january 6th and afterwards one thing i highlighted was the failure to install a no i clean fence around the perimeter to secure the border. we secured it. i as chief of staff dod overnight and installed it on january six . that .uld have done they refused to do so. now turning back to nancy pelosi and chuck schumer, i think what are going to learn is their activities on january 6th. the same peoplesame that didn t want a single national a guardsmen and women called me and the secretary defense at dod and said we want crew t serviced weapons and armorro tanks to protectte the capitol from that time on until inauguration. weaponizes weapon is a formerr military who called yout and asked for what the leadership? at the congress