crystal was gone, and there were lots of reasons to worry. she had numerous lovers, me and women. you had the husband and boyfriend failing polys. on the same day the answer would have t wait hurricane harvey is movin in this direction and high water rescues. we re stuck in the house an immediately went to social media. what kind of things pictures of her and her license plate. someone knew where she was, someone that liked to play games. he thought he was smarter than we were willing to trade one nigh of freedom he said i m ready to talk let me go home and tomorrow morning i ll tell yo everything in exchange for the terribl truth. if he couldn t have her nobody could. crystal was young mom and brought th search for crystal to a halt - then hurricane harvey decimate her texas town and brought the search for krystal to a halt but in a lead investigator forged ahead, uncovering a series of clues and as the floodwaters receded, h discovered the
away with that. you killed her and don t have the right to do that and you don t have th ligright to leav her somewhere and nobody knows if she ll was up somewhere and everyon wondering where is she that night an exhausted mcdowell asked the rangers t present a counter offer to d a. leak. he told holland let me go home and tomorrow morning i ll tell you everything. and i l take you to where crystal is at with that verbal agreement, the district attorney an ranger jeter allowed mcdowel to walk out of the sheriff s office knowing it was a risk decision did you feel at all weird about letting him walk tha night? i did. i felt like he s fixing to break because thought he was going home fo probably to take himself out on the morning of saturday, september 9th, rangers jeter and holland went knocking on his door not sure what they find. but to jeter s surprise, mcdowell answered the door