happen as a matter of course. they spied on an american citizen, trampled on his fourth amendment constitutional rights. a trump campaign associate with information paid for by the clinton campaign and the dnc that we now know is completely and totally unverified. but wait, didn t rod rosenstein or sally yates, who signed off, signing off on the final fisa application, identity say that law enforcement if they are going to sign a fisa warrant, identity say that that officer must wear that the information in the fisa request is true and accurate? and if he got it wrong, there were serious consequences. i know, because i have the tape. there is a lot of talk about fisa applications. many people that i see you talking about it seem not to recognize what a fisa application a fisa application is actually a warrant just like a search warrant, in order to get a fisa search warrant, you need an
happen as a matter of course. they spied on an american citizen, trampled on his fourth amendment constitutional rights. a trump campaign associate with information paid for by the clinton campaign and the dnc that we now know is completely and totally unverified. but wait, didn t rod rosenstein or sally yates, who signed off, signing off on the final fisa application, identity say that law enforcement if they are going to sign a fisa warrant, identity say that that officer must wear that the information in the fisa request is true and accurate? and if he got it wrong, there were serious consequences. i know, because i have the tape. there is a lot of talk about fisa applications. many people that i see you talking about it seem not to recognize what a fisa application a fisa application is actually a warrant just like a search warrant, in order to get a fisa search warrant, you need an
six different felonies, as i outlined in my book. sean: and it s a fraud based on russian lies bought and paid for by hillary! they knew they were going to get caught which is why they continued to try to verify the dossier even after they used it, trying to cure their illegal conduct. sean: didn t rod rosenstein sign off on the third renewal application? that explains why rosenstein is knee-deep in obstruction congress by withholding documents. sean: sara? sean, look at this. they used the dossier, not only through the court system, they withheld the information. then later, james clapper, john brennan, the briefing that they gave to then president-elect trump, where we know the information from the dossier was leaked to cnn suspected lead by clapper himself, according to congressional members that are investigating this. not only did they know the dossier was invalid, they
now. it won t make any difference. the damage they ve done to thees presidency over eight months has made him stronger. let me just say that this president will survive this and we me midterms are over, mr. sessions and mr. rosenstein will be gone. sean: mark, i know you come at this differently for me politically. but you see the wide range. how did we go from what was supposed to be collusion and we have evidence of real collusion that is blown wide open, and fisa court judges slide to and terminations on purpose and even information they were fed from russia that turned out to be lies. that is not discussed. people care more about loan applications. my fear all along was that this would be 1998, all over again. we stayed a year of our nation on somethingon that we then decided was of no consequence.
that means a comey and yates and rod rosenstein. they signed on they lied and put a fraud on the court, not once, but four times, using phony clinton bought and paid for russian lights! sean, the sources i spoke to the appropriate view to the testimony, said what they learned showed that what the fbi did and the doj was so unacceptable and absolutely inexcusable. one of the things that bruce ohr did discuss, some of the questions that catherine was throwing out, was that he had not informed his superiors at the doj that he was providing this backdoor channel for christopher steele. another really interesting point, i thought, was that sean: sara, he told fbi officials! didn t his boss, james comey, signing off on on the first fia warned? that s correct. he did discuss with deputy former deputy director andrew