Gemäss einer ersten Hochrechnung dürfte das Finanzierungsdefizit des Bundes 2021 über 17 Milliarden Franken betragen. Der grösste Teil des Fehlbetrags geht auf das Konto der Pandemie.
voestalpine triples operating result for Q1 2021/22 and raises outlook for current business year Revenue for Q1 2021/22 rises 45.6% year over year to EUR 3.5 billion (Q1 2020/21: EUR 2.4 billion) At EUR 540 million, EBITDA more than triples, soaring by 242% At EUR 340 million, EBIT clearly positive again (Q1 2020/21: EUR -49 million) Profit before tax is EUR 319 million (Q1 2020/21: EUR -74 million), and profit after tax is EUR 259 million (Q1 2020/21: EUR -70 million) Gearing ratio falls year over year, from 71.7% to 43.8% Equity rises to EUR 6 billion (Q1 2020/21: EUR 5.5 billion) Number of employees: 48,880 FTE (+2.1% year over year) Against the backdrop of the good global economic environment, in the first quarter of the business year 2021/22 (April 1 - June 30, 2021) the voestalpine Group continued along its positive trajectory, which had already started i
voestalpine triples operating result for Q1 2021/22 and raises outlook for current business year Revenue for Q1 2021/22 rises 45.6% year over year to EUR 3.5 billion (Q1 2020/21: EUR 2.4 billion) At EUR 540 million, EBITDA more than triples, soaring by 242% At EUR 340 million, EBIT clearly positive again (Q1 2020/21: EUR -49 million) Profit before tax is EUR 319 million (Q1 2020/21: EUR -74 million), and profit after tax is EUR 259 million (Q1 2020/21: EUR -70 million) Gearing ratio falls year over year, from 71.7% to 43.8% Equity rises to EUR 6 billion (Q1 2020/21: EUR 5.5 billion) Number of employees: 48,880 FTE (+2.1% year over year) Against the backdrop of the good global economic environment, in the first quarter of the business year 2021/22 (April 1 - June 30, 2021) the voestalpine Group continued along its positive trajectory, which had already started i