The work below is from Wayne Madsen, found in my email of all places, very very old email. Upon review, much if not all of Madsen’s work here is confirmed by sources that have since come forward to VT…only to be suppressed and censored even more.
Model of nuclear device used to bring down Building 7 on 9/11, built by IAEA investigators with a sense of humor
Other VT personnel were part of the investigations Madsen references. They say Madsen was “totally on target 100%” to the extent of his sources.
The material below covers 9/11 and the USS Cole. Madsen has no references on nuclear weapons theft and no actual information on 9/11 itself but does identify the players from Fort Lee and elsewhere who are responsible for planting the nuclear munitions. Madsen references some of those at VT whose work was in that arena.