AfTer LIsa Techel had been shoT To deaTh. IT was noT a day of resT. They had To dIscuss arrangemenTs. One of The saddesT word In The language Is arrangemenTs. IT musTve been unreal. GrIef sTrIcken, Todd decIded To sTay home by hImself wITh The resT of hIs famIly meT In a park. SeTh was There buT under InsTrucTIons noT To speak abouT The case. He shared an emoTIonal momenT wITh LIsas SIsTer and her moTher, Tracy. SeTh grab The gIrls and saId They ThInk I dId IT. We all hugged seTh and Told hIm we loved hIm. When InvesTIgaTors fInIshed dIfference I can seT The TraIler, Tracy, seTh, and hIs parenTs wenT ouT To reTrIeve some of lIsas ThIngs. IT was very Tough. The CrIme Scene Techs had been all over a. All over IT. I guess I wanTed To dad mode. WhaT was your ThInkIng . I dIdnT wanT hIm To see The blood. How was your boy dealIng wITh ThaT . I ThInk he was shocked. ThaT Sunday WasnT The day of resT for The men and women TryIng To solve The crIme eITher. InvesTIgaTors were focusIng on The Mur
about half firearms. about half of all u.s. households have at least lea one gun at home, and many have. much more than that. plus, they have ammo, billions and billions of rounds of it. those are all real numbers, butg they are hardly an argument forn gun control. they re an argument, in fact, against ask yourself what would it require to confiscate allmmuo those guns and all that ammunition in turn, the united states into disarmed nation like turkmenistan or north korea? wellrea., it would take a police state and it would end in civil war. nono sam sane person wants eithr one of those things. but thankfully, we don t neehinn the fact that so manyirearm americans have a firearm withi n reach but never commit violence that gtbe that guns are no the problem. just as we can this country can be trusted with an ar-15, just as we can be trusted with cars and light aircraft t in andand electricity, basebaw and insecticide and chainsaws and pruning shearsct and countless other objec
and i was like, what s going on? and he s like, lisa s been shot. i held her hand and i just said, my lisa. my lisa. everyone s like, do you want justice? do you want revenge? i just want the truth. lisa techel, newly married, pregnant, starting the career of her dreams. she always put everybody before she put herself. then, one morning, a single shotgun blast rocked the newlyweds home. she s been shot. a young husband, out of his mind with grief. it was a tragedy. but for lisa s dad, a sheriff s deputy, it was no mystery. he was sure he knew who the killer was. go get him. go get him now. a neighbor with a gun and a grudge. i thought, they better get to him before i do. but some said this couple was having trouble. that seth had a secret. did he tell you, she sent me some topless pictures ? yes. others said the real murderer was someone else, right under cops noses. here s a legitimate suspect that should have been investigated
with the west with nuclear weapons. and order the mobilization of 300,000 russian troops to fight in his war against ukraine. speaking at a fund-raiser in new york, the president said this. we have not faced the prospect of armageddon since kennedy and the cuban missile crisis. we are trying to figure out what is food and offering where they find a way out? he is not joking when he talks about potential use of tactical nuclear weapons or biological or chemical weapons. kennedy, what is your first response to this? do you think after 50 years of foreign policy and some of the mishaps we have seen him make that people may take a breath before they take all of this in? kennedy: i think the president should have taken a breath before he vocalized this set of talking having our diplomats speak with russian diplomats because that is the avenue these things should be addressed. if you are talking about an off-ramp which is what we should be talking about. we should be figuring o
trump-appointed u.s. attorney in delaware. feds appeared to be closing and after a 4-year investigation, which started over hunter biden s foreign business dealings. hunter biden s lawyers not denying the story, and instead, taking issue on the leak, saying this, it is a federal felony for a federal agent to leak information about a grand jury investigation such as this one. any agent you cite as a source in your article has a fairly committed such felony. we expect that affirmative justice will diligently investigate and prosecute such bad actors. judge, take us through it, what is going on? jeanine: oh, i love it, they want the department of justice to diligently investigate that leak, gee, what happened to the leak of the supreme court decision, the dobbs decision? i ve not heard a word about that. okay, let s get back to what we re doing here with hunter biden. they started this investigation in 2018. it has been for years. the grand jury concluded in the middle of the