obama white house. barbara arn wine for the akil ammar and egyptian american journalist, mona eltahawy. our guests will include joseph stig litz, columbia university and author of the book of price of inequality. up next is melissa harris-perry. on today, debate club preview edition. her 10-year-old daughter parker will make a special appearance. that s mep mlissa harris-perry coming up next. the first 2012 presidential debate coming up this week. denver, colorado at 5:00 eastern continuing at 8:00 eastern with team coverage. along with chris matthews. ed schultz, lawrence o donnell. steve schmidt and yours truly. [ thunder crashes ]
none of us can do it alone. sink or swim philadelphia wants to help us do it together. we need you. today nearly 42% of our citizens are uninsured or underinsured and they can t do it alone. for picking up each starfish in her sight and tossing it gently back into the water, marion is our foot soldier of the week. marion and her organization were nominated via our facebook page by her aunt paula. so if someone that you know in your life or your community would make a great mhp foot soldier, please submit your nomination via face book.com/mhp show. that s our show for today. thank you to congresswoman moore, pedro nigero thanks to all of you at home for watching. i ll see you tomorrow morning 10:00 a.m. eastern for our special debate club preview edition. it s going to be so much fun. coming up weekend with alex witt.