Undoubtedly, May is the most beautiful month of the spring season. May is also the month of beautiful spring holidays and festivities celebrating the joy of nature, starting with May 1 and the time of Hıdrellez on May 5 and 6, which is the ultimate spring festival in the country, especially in the coastal regions of the country, mainly the Aegean and Thrace. In Türkiye, it is also the national holiday of May 19, which commemorates the beginning of the Turkish War of Independence in 1919 in the official historiography. Interestingly, Atatürk dedicated the day to the youth, declaring it as the Youth and Sports Day not for nothing. His choice apparently had a message. May stands for youth, growth, vitality and new beginnings. When it comes to tables May means lots of greens and fresh flavors to celebrate the bounty of spring.
Havana, Feb 28 (Prensa Latina) Under the slogan Connected to our roots, the eastern city of Santiago de Cuba will host the 21st International Conference on African and Afro-American Culture from April 12 to 16.
The sound of music, the smell of food and the sight of mermaid couture brought the community together for its sixth annual Mermaid Festival and Promenade on Saturday.