i think the most dangerous part of the system right now is having people having insurance companies pick and choose who gets coverage and who doesn t, based on your health condition. it s a lot cheaper to insure people who promise never to get sick. i watched it as insurance commissioner. but segregating that market is not insurance. it s not pooling a risk. your proposal, mr. president, gets back to the fact that there would be a pool. there would be an opportunity to pool that risk and have the people that have the negotiating powers as governor and senator alexander, i am a former governor. we both ran our state employee health pools i don t know about tennessee, but in kansas that was the largest pool in the state, 90,000 covered lives. we had a lot of negotiating power. we could get aรง pretty good de on a couple of companies competing on hospital rates, on doctor rates. that s what this kind of pooling mechanism and new exchange would give everybody, and it s a set