Tim McKay Birdathon The Northcoast Environmental Center and Redwood Region Audubon Society invite you to support them and also honor Tim McKay. He was a great friend to the environment and Executive Director of the NEC for thirty years. Go birding for a day, keep records of your species and ask your friends and relatives to help you by contributing a nickel or more per species. Funds raised support both organizations. This year’s Birdathon will offer three different categories in which you can participate on any day, April 30 through May 7. Please visit https://www.yournec.org/birdathon
The Bartow Project A collaboration of Dell’Arte International and the Wiyot Tribe about the life and art of Rick Bartow. Premieres in multiple venues across Wiyot ancestral territory during the month of April 2022. Featuring four unique short films presented as a single hour- long program, tickets are on sale now. Please visit www.thebartowproject.com for the full schedule of screenings and ticketing information. The films are appropriate for all ages.
Mad River Steelhead Derby The Nor-Cal Guides and Sportsmen’s Association (NCGASA) is hosting its third annual Mad River Steelhead Derby from Dec. 18 through Feb. 28. Only hatchery steelhead can be entered. The largest steelhead wins $500, second place $300 and third place $150. First place in the youth division (16 and under) will win a $175 RMI Outdoors gift card; 2nd place $100 gift card and 3rd $50 gift card from RMI. Anglers can sign up online or in person at RMI Outdoors. Part of the proceeds benefit the Mad River Steelhead Stewards volunteer angler’s broodstock collection program that works in concert with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. For more information, visit www.madriversteelheaderby.com.
chances. this academy provides countywide to the learning and support for up to 230 young people including those who have been permanently excluded but it is expensive and out of favour with the local authority following a recent inadequate ofsted rating. more than 60 children have been removed and new referrals are halted. fiur 60 children have been removed and new referrals are halted. our income is one new referrals are halted. our income is gone and new referrals are halted. our income is gone and technical new referrals are halted. our income is gone and technical fa new referrals are halted. our income is gone and technical fa do - new referrals are halted. our income is gone and technical fa do not - is gone and technical fa do not recover we may have to close by customers because you know that have funds to play stuff pay staff. ofsted found. the school says much of the criticism was based on a false assumption that the offered full time provision for all pupils and t