Contrary to the claims of the Bush Administration's critics, thedetainees held at Guantanamo actually receive the most systematicand extensive procedural protections afforded to foreign enemycombatants in the history of armed conflict.
and the department says that s fine with us, although of course, none of them should really matter. and we already know, tell us if you think that the fbi actually took anything. tell us if you think there is something in the whole corpus of materials other than what was seized. they re so everything he is saying in the public sphere, theory is turning into his worst nightmare of actually having to a test in court. so it s no surprise that he is not acting with allacrity. also, i think it s no surprise that he is sort of demoted deray, kind of james bond villain style, or austin power style. this is a guy that hasn t produced for him. and he turns out to be the smartest lawyer that trump retained because he got $3 million guaranteed upfront. so that s one thing to be said for him. but smart lawyers and donald trump usually part company. andrew weissmann, what might look like a delay to the audience, or donald trump or
Hearing a habeas corpus petition, the court observed that Arya Samaj societies were issuing marriage certificates without proper solemnisation of marriages, and added that marriage could not be proved only on the basis of this certificate.Just