/PRNewswire/ As rising auto interest loans, limited car inventories and inflation create barriers to buying a new vehicle, consumers increasingly seek to.
It's just like knitting an afghan, or a sweater, or really anything else, Carrie Kushner says as her hands weave fabric into different layers - well, plastic layers.
SOUTHFIELD The National Council of Jewish Women, Michigan's latest project aims to reduce the amount of plastic waste going into landfills and bodies of water, while also making the lives of the homeless a bit easier.
Looking for a weekend trip? Maybe you’re already on the road and looking for a educational detour to stop and stretch your legs. Either way, finding an antique car museum is a great way to do so! America has come a long way from horse and buggy to modern vehicles and automobiles, and what better […]
Are you looking for the perfect destination to travel over the holiday season? We have compiled the ultimate list of Christmas getaways that is sure to have to have a place every one will enjoy! From small towns to big cities, this list includes any experience you and your fellow travelers are searching to encounter […]