part of the cost push on consumer price inflation running near 7%. behind that, there s pipeline inflation pressures that are double digits. and the important thing is people now are expecting inflation. inflation expectations have marched up steadily. those are all the ingredients you need for steadily rising inflation. only thing that stands between this and that are good policies. as we hear the discussions continue on capitol hill, the bill they re discussing turns more and more into a front loaded spending bill with some tax increases maybe in the out years. that s a stimulus bill. that was the mistake that was made in march, repeating that mistake again is a recipe to ratchet inflation up and not bring it down. sandra: quite clearly, this is something very tangible for the american people. we feel inflation when we put gas in our tanks and looking at multiyear highs for the price of energy. when we heat our homes this winter, we ll see it show up in our home heating bills and s