and i m gonna address theunited states of america. gary: there s no doubt that night. it was a textbook procedure. i had no choice. i was forced to take a life. i was a white cop whoshot a black 16-year-old. (protestors chanting) natacha: i would like toaddress all law enforcement across the country and around the world. honor the oath. (dramatic music) gary: the other officerskept repeating: he did the right thing.he had no choice. it was a good shoot. reporter: the death ofphillip pannell brought rage the streets of normallypeaceful teaneck, new jersey. m2: this was middle-classmodel city, american. alison: we live in teaneck.this doesn t happen in teaneck. w2: it wasn t the utopia ithought it was for many people. (dramatic music) thelma: we enduredthis pain for 30 years, now we re back here again. crowd: yeah, (music) natacha: on my honor,i will never betray my integrity forthe public trust. m3: the fact of the matter isphillip pannell was executed. m4: i don t care how
i got a shot so my sister won t get sick. way to go, big bro! so while we re here. flu shot, as well? let s do it. when you need to talk vaccinations, our pharmacists are here our pharmacists are here community leadersgathered near police headquarters thismorning in teaneck are trying to figureout exactly what happened yesterday toyoung phillip pannell, who was shot andkilled by police. they were two versions tothe shooting, they say. one by the youth who witnessedit and the others by police. thelma: therewas no reason for that cop to shoothim in his back. it was no reason. he was already blocked in. i still didn tunderstand all of this. it was just- i wasjust in a shock. it was a- i just couldn tbelieve what had happened. - justice.- i want justice. justice! i want justice because theycan, they can kill all the black kids too.these parents about to realize.