tom: let s welcome our guests. looks like her imdb page is about to get a second entry. katie frates. he s always ready to drop the hammer-michael riedel. john mcwhorter. he claims to be tim riggins. guess his eyes aren t as clear as they should be. is sitting right next to me, comedian mike cannon. okay, let s start the show. today was international women s day, and the president started things off with a couple of tweets. on international women s day, join me in honoring the critical role of women here and around the world. and i have tremendous respect
they voted for trump. anything that makes a liberal squirm is a-ok in my mind. [laughter] i agree with you. mike, you know what i found the most interesting? when she got up and wandered about, the female trump, they didn t find it offensive at all. she s also not a 6 5 she wasn t lurking in the background? and breathing through her nostrils. tom: why do we find it menacing when trump did it? i didn t find it menacing, i don t mind guys like that. physically he s much bigger, i thought it was actually a pretty decent representation because the guy mimicking hillary clinton short-circuited like a robot. anybody who had excitations that hillary clinton came off as this ultra feminine person, what were you watching? she s a robot that developed human traits. she lost her humanity years ago. this didn t chatter any
played the role in get out did wrong? frame by frame tom: he doesn t know. he didn t do anything wrong and i haven t seen the movie but i m pretending. he didn t do anything wrong, but how dare somebody play a black person who isn t ghetto, because that s not the ethic experience. damn it, it is authentic. i ve been black for 51 years, i ve never been in the ghetto, i didn t sell any drugs or talk like that, i have experiences, i experience racism. i don t think i m inauthentic. that s what samuel l. jackson is saying, it makes me physically infirm. tom: look, mike, this is what actors do. you didn t know the experience, you couldn t do shakespeare. that was chloe from somebody who never saw the movie. middle america issue. it is not a middle america issue, hopefully it s not.
that i talked about grabbing women by the [bleep]. he already apologize for that. a oblique apology. he said exactly what i just said, except is dead of [bleep] he would say something about nether-parts. what he should say if a woman doesn t show up for work, she should be fired. tom: let s go to mike here. mike, to me, is it a backlash of all the people who are lashing already hate trump? i think this is hired a backlash, i don t believe it. there are some false stuff coming from the right to paint the left is a bunch of crybabies. i don t think there s real backlash, maybe one or two twitter accounts in existence i care about this. but if there are real human beings i care about this
like a hat. tom: we ve got to go. kristin tate, chris hahn, michael malice, and mike cannon. my name is tom shillue, i ll see you. eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn t pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. to me, relationships matter. i ve been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i ll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] with these types of plans, you ll be able to visit any doctor or hospital