she s fascinating. and i first heard of her 40 years ago in college nobody could have ever lived a life like that. and then when i moved to los angeles to pursue my own career she s legendary out there. the temple she built in 1923 is still there. mike: i ve been there. eighths dream center. dream center taking care of 30,000 a week in the worst section of los angeles. mike: amazing place. amazing, amy in a nutshell was a 17-year-old atheist, storm girl from canada who ended up beening in the 1920 s the most celebrated, most controversial woman of her she and a half million people from starving to death and sold more war bonds than any movie stars, she baptist advertised marilyn monroe as a baby, and anthony quinn played saxophone in her band. and people think that the bible is dull are people who have never read the bible. mike: very good.
perhaps ceos make too much money. there is a lot of angles to this and outright anger because the unemployment has been going on so long. but shouldn t they be protesting.. gregg: they should be protesting congress, white house president s policies, congress s policies that have led to 9.1% unemployment when they promised 8%. right and the democrats have been in power for a few years. so perhaps that is where this anger and finger should be pointing. one protestor said she was upset because she and her boyfriend have significant student loan debt. but who is at fault for that. nobody forced her to go to college nobody forced her to go to colombia graduate school. he received the contract to pay for the education. i get the sense, some of the kids don t get it.