democrats have to talk about. is that, do you think, a winning political strategy for the forthcoming mid-term elections. absolutely not. when they try to demagogue the people who might get a $200,000 tax reduction, she fails to tell the people that those people take that $200,000 and grow their business or they invest it, which creates jobs. they can t say create jobs because they don t know how. and i don t believe it s going to be a winning strategy in terms of trying to play the race card because what i have experienced, stewart, on my radio show and as i travel and i talk to thousands of college students, they are not stupid. so they are not buying the class warfare rhetoric. what should be the g.o.p. s response to that kind of tweet from miss pelosi and that kind of political strategy? what do you think the g.o.p. and its candidates should be saying right now? if i were writing the g.o.p. response i would say, the
continues to use class warfare rhetoric and vilifying the so-called rich. we actually tend to trust each other less when there s greater inequality. he s playing the class warfare card. stretching point. i ve never in my life seen more people look at each other s income or the president in spotlighting it brings up the conversation and everybody inherited their money. they didn t earn their money. you talk about everybody paying their fair share, americans who can afford it should pay their fair share. the idea that we raise taxes on millionaires and billionaires, raise taxes on owners of private jets. that that is going to somehow make a difference in america s debt is not only misleading, quite frankly, it s disappointing.
car like these bashing the so-called 1%. this one saying kill people, hateful and nasty stuff. carried out by thugs. but are politicians partly to blame for all of this? class war pair is bad for the country, period. history has shown that politicians that took the electorate against each other can use that sometimes to get elected in the short term but in the long term it could be bad for the country. look at the $45 trillion in unfunded liability has become because of the promises politicians made to pit various classes against one another. it is very, very bad for the economy. so you use this kind of class warfare rhetoric. more of these ugly things are likely to happen. perhaps. but i don t blame politicians for implementing those attitudes. i blame the people who get you impressionable citizens at a younger age and school teachers. my younger daughter came home from fifth grade with an
part of this, dana. basically, this class warfare rhetoric has gotten more since obamacare. this is their pivot, correct? it could be what he really wanted to achieve as president. you read the new yorker piece that ran yesterday, the president said at the end he wants to be judged on whether or not he provided a ladder for the people at the lower income levels to be able to get up to the top. what he s done is he has set an agenda. this shows again that the people think that congress can set the agenda and lead in washington. no, the presidents do that. they shape the narrative. everybody is now talking about income inequality. immigration was it for a while. that was the one they were going to talk about. that s not going to work. the income inequality is almost amorms because it s about feelings. do you feel better about your situation? most people feel worse about the direction of the country and their own economic situation than they did except for rich people. six or eigh
part of this, dana. basically, this class warfare rhetoric has gotten more since obamacare. this is their pivot, correct? it could be what he really wanted to achieve as president. you read the new yorker piece that ran yesterday, the president said at the end he wants to be judged on whether or not he provided a ladder for the people at the lower income levels to be able to get up to the top. what he s done is he has set an agenda. this shows again that the people think that congress can set the agenda and lead in washington. no, the presidents do that. they shape the narrative. everybody is now talking about income inequality. immigration was it for a while. that was the one they were going to talk about. that s not going to work. the income inequality is almost amorms because it s about feelings. do you feel better about your situation? most people feel worse about the direction of the country and their own economic situation than they did except for rich people. six or eigh