Fish and wildlife populations living in the Clackamas and Deschutes River Basins are about to get a boost, thanks to funding from three PGE grant programs.The Clackamas River Hydroelectric Pro. . .
Fish and wildlife populations living in the Clackamas and Deschutes River Basins are about to get a boost, thanks to funding from three PGE grant programs. The.
Working together to reduce pesticides in our water It s important we all do our part to prevent pesticides from getting into our waterways.
The Clackamas River basin s fertile soils support a variety of robust harvests. The region s vibrant nurseries and Christmas tree farms bring joy to families nationwide. Gardeners boast blue-ribbon vegetables and harness our PNW rains to create lush, green lawns.
Many growers use pesticides to produce these bounties. Herbicides combat weeds, insecticides repel bugs that harm crops, and fungicides keep plants from getting plants sick.
Sometimes, these pesticides get out of the garden, however, and they can contaminate our waterways. Herbicides and insecticides in our streams kill the plants and insects that form the basis of our ecological food web. Pesticides bioaccumulate in fish that eat contaminated insects, threatening our endangered salmon species.