the democrats are emboldened.k anything they think they do,thec they get the power of the ofrce the law enforcement and they enforce the law according to t what their ideology is . and that s a bad thing.hi you know, joe , from a media standpoint, the judge rightlstyn points out, yoowu know, this has been going on with joe biden transporting illegal immigrants and giving them preferential treatmen treatmet for 19 monthso all of a sudden, rhondda santa 5 mands 50 people 50 to martha s vineyard. that srt vineyard, they say theh inclusive. they say they welcome immigrants. they re are sanctuary island. ip but yet they flip out the mediag flips out with wha and i m like, have you just notv beener paying attention to whatc joe biden s been doing all overu the country? yes. and they re takingut the sanctuary out of sanctuary city or sanctuarctuaryy vineyary in this case, they kicked him this outrage that we re seeing. yeah, yeah, exactly. cod ate in cape cordova outra over at a mil
to be flying with the threat. that s it.ying thank that s your job. hi you know, i think we re where this nation also can learn a great deal is from israeli f police, israeli military,ro the israeli approach in dealing with dynamics i think could ling useful.o butha we re going to have tord be looking at this across the board. thank you very much. now in the aftermath of the massacre in texas,ti president biden ison turning his attention to the so-called gun lobby. and earlier today said amendment the second watch process when in god sn name will we do what needs to be done to not completely stop c fundamentally change the amount of the carnage that goes a on in this country? second, that is not absolute. the idea may 18 yeare old kowalke induced by weapons of war designed and marketed to kill is i think is wrong just violates common sense.
0 we will be donating to our guests. america is free. that s it for this special t edition , tucker carlson tonight. we ll be back at eight p.m.will it s the sworn enemy of lines from boston fungus group. this weekend with the ones who upup . welcome to this special edition of hannity . i m tammy bruce and for sean. and tonightsp more breaking news out of south texas where the director of the texas department of public safety is in . authorities made the wrongho decisiones m when waiting to breach the classroom door of robb elementary o as a gunman went on a deadly rampage. here with the latestt as fox s own jeff paul jeff tambe and the more we learn about this shooting, the harder to get to this community to digesto the minute by minute timeline. what led to 19 students and two teachers being killed o in one o the most glaring new pieces of information that we re receiving deals with the fact that investigators believe kids at the time of k the shooting inside the school were cal
The south-pointing chariot is a Chinese invention that functioned in a similar way to a compass. Instead of pointing north, however, this device could point south, or any other direction it was ‘programmed’ to point in the first place, for that matter. The compass, which is regarded as one of the Four Great Inventions of the Chinese civilisation, functions based on the Earth’s magnetic field.