the medallions that go out through the retiree program? or only to direct sales? the way i read it is that we would have to repurcha for the initial purchase price. in the retiree scenario, we at the m.t.a. do not realize the full purchase price. so for example in the retiree scenario we only get 15% of the repurchase price. the situation is that we currently have or we are walking towards a situation where we will have transferable medallions and nontransferable medallions. i think you are talking about a revenue that might come monthly to the m.t.a. and when we are talking about transferable medailyions, those sold by a previous owner to new owner or that were held because of the death or surender of a previous owner and are being sold out right to the new owner. so it really covers direct sales situation. this is not public to a program where we will be splitting it with a retiree? no. other than some of the transfer fees go to the driver fund. but that is the only s
united taxicab workers has opposeded on principle and fully within our rights the medallion sales program. i have already protested before that this committee is structurely imbalanced towards cab companies and medallion holders which have a total of nine votes aas opposed to six. i think this latest slap in the face further detracts the legitimacy of this group. good afternoon everybody. i am from yellow cab. the taxi advisory committee, there are names selected in this committee. we don t know them. we don t see them. how do they work for drivers? and what do we expect from them ? there is one person, he is all the time working with the drivers. he is trying to solve all kinds of problems with drivers. not even that, he speaks for the taxi company. he speaks, all the time looking for the well-being of taxi drivers and taxi company. he is a real worker for the drivers. we are requested we request to you to represent his name in this advisory committee so that they will h
repurchase price. the situation is that we currently have or we are walking towards a situation where we will have transferable medallions and nontransferable medallions. i think you are talking about a revenue that might come monthly to the m.t.a. and when we are talking about transferable medailyions, those sold by a previous owner to new owner or that were held because of the death or surender of a previous owner and are being sold out right to the new owner. so it really covers direct sales situation. this is not public to a program where we will be splitting it with a retiree? no. other than some of the transfer fees go to the driver fund. but that is the only split. if we are forced, we will have a situation where we realized all of the funds or the vast majority of them in the first instance. right. my question is, is there any calculation for depreciation for use of the medallions? i realize that it is hopefully something that will never come to pass. but if
i am hoping there is a referee or somebody that can run spreerns on this. thank you. thank you. ok. next speaker. jamie whitaker followed by mark gleason. good afternoon. my name is jamie whitaker. i am speaking to you. i would like to thank you for the additional bike racks in the neighborhood. we appreciate them. anything to mitigate the air toxins is wonderful. main reason i came today is that we are excited to see the temporary terminal opening this week. excited to have the opportunity on the street. many of us walk. some additional eyes and ears to help keep the neighborhood safe is wonderful. if you could turn to the laptop image. one thing we are not excited to see is an additional left-hand turn at main street. because a lot of us moved here in order to walk to work, we are very sensitive to traffic changes and anything that might increase the probability of dustin pedroia injuries or deaths. and we believe the second left-hand turn is increasing the likeli
10.1 also as well. so that leaves the remaining consent calendar. 10.2 minus k and then the rest of the consent calendar. is there a motion? move to approve. all in favor say aye. ok. let s go to the other two. 10.1. i don t know how much of this we can discuss publically but it concerns the safety-discipline report we get on a few of these items is incomplete. we just ushered mr. haley out. let s do the other one first. 10.2k has to do with traffic modification to establish a bus zone on 24th street 75 feet easterly. this was severed by a member of the public, charles riggs. good afternoon. good afternoon board members. i am charles riggs. my opportunity to address your item k. the specific issue that s all right. i will wait. start again, sir. once again, i am charles riggs. i am speaking on behalf of my neighbors and residents in the east mission area in the boundaries of the neighborhood that i gave to you. i believe item k is a proper item for