in 2016 with hillary clinton losing, this is about the fact that the president in her judgment and the judgment we will see likely of most of the democrats abused his power, obstructed justice and obstructed congress in particular and he needs to be called on that. and she knows, she said nothing about politics. i m not considering that. well, she s a politician. she s a public servant, but she s a politician. it is also a political decision. and she is hearing about the politics of this from her cau s caucus. i spoke to one of the front liners, people who are in heavy trump districts, and what they are saying is that she s listening. she gets it. she gets the need to do this fast, do this focused in order for their viability and ultimately for the majority for the democrats in the house for
are they going to stick with you in the long run or look for other options? that s always the challenge when you re relying on states that are later in the process is it s very difficult to game out how and why supporters stick with you. although, i think through the course of the last several months we ve seen that as the polls have fluctuated up and town that african-americans in south carolina and other states have stuck with the vice president. the question is will they if these numbers continue to be the same in the first three states. i think it s a big open question for their campaign. i think the problem with the biden campaign in iowa is similar to his problem in new hampshire and a lot of it has to do with the lack of money and the lack of energy within the campai campaign. could you talk about the role of m money as a functioning element of keeping these campaigns going ee early in the process. ic there s a misunderstanding about iowa because it s a cau s caucus, so much