The Carroll County Board of Supervisors are scheduled to convene Monday for their regularly scheduled weekly meeting. The Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 budget will be the main topic of discussion with the board slated to hear funding requests from the RSVP/Foster Grandparents program, the Carroll Area Development Corporation, Breda Day Care Center and Carroll County Elderbridge Agency on Aging. In addition to these funding requests, the supervisors will also consider approval of plats and payables and hear an update from County Engineer, Zac Andersen, on secondary roads. The board will close out the meeting with a discussion on participation in the Ground Emergency Medical Transportation (GEMT) program for the Carroll County Ambulance Service, possible changes to COVID-19 protocols and manure management annual updates. The Monday, Dec. 14 meeting begins at 9 a.m. in the courthouse meeting room and will be livestreamed via the county’s YouTube channel. Details on how to participate remotely