In patients who had revascularization after an acute MI and had a preserved EF, long-term beta-blocker use showed no benefit compared with no beta-blockers, in REDUCE-AMI.
A head-to-head trial of two widely used TAVR devices in patients with small aortic annuli, mostly women, showed differences in performance at 1 year in the SMART trial.
Ticagrelor monotherapy safely cut bleeding by more than half after intervention for acute coronary syndrome, without an increase in MACCE, in the ULTIMATE-DAPT trial.
Use of a microaxial flow pump led to a lower risk of death in patients with STEMI-related cardiogenic shock in the DanGer Shock trial, although with more adverse events.
The Class I recall stems from reports of increased resistance in the guidewire handle and chamber during use, which could cause injury to the blood vessel walls.