small business and tycoonist entertainment and dore i clark, author of reinventing you. define your brand, imagine your future. thank you, ladies, for all being here. i want to start, carmen, you and i have talked a bit about this at various points. were there particular challenges facing women when it comes to beginning a small business? oh, many, many, taking care of the kids. that s the reason why they have their own business. you need flexible hours, they re not the big earners,s 2%. most of them working from home, supporting their families, because they need that. we ve got the web, access to people all around the world. access to capital. that s just the phrase that just means no one is going to lend to me. so we have a lot of women and i met many, many of them who have fantastic small businesses, they just need, whether it s $10,000, a thousand, $10,000 and some
people most likely to spend the money. he makes that worse. s 2% of the people spend 33% of the cash. morrison will be tweeting his butt off tomorrow night during the debate if you want to do that you are an american you have a right to do that. devastating anti-obama web ad. we will play some of it for you. john stossel in the street john stossel here. where are the jobs? you got them? are you hiding the jobs? bill: those reports after these messages. [ male announcer ] one-hundred-nineteen data points. this is what we can gather from an ordinary crash test dummy. two million data points. this is what we can gather from a lexus crash test genius. [ engine revving ] when you pursue industry-leading safety, you don t just engineer breakthroughs in simulation technology, you engineer amazing.
goes end to end against the islanders. that s the game winner in ot. his 25th goal of the season. caps 2, islanders 1. a soccer match you wered in to a dog park. two unsuspecting brazilian teams and there is the police dog. ran on the field and stole the ball. there s either somethiuspiciousg in the ball or the dog immediates more training. the fans love it. what is the worst sports town in the country? do i hear a drum roll? thank you. it s seattle. sorry, seattle fans. p seattle s pro teams have won just one championship. atlanta just one title, but the two teams neck and neck, but seattle gets bonus bad points because the nba sonics were so unhappy they actually moved to oklahoma city to become the thunder. so seattle gets the embarrassing